Tuesday, 20 February 2018


Lose 5kg in One Week: The Egg Diet One Week Meal Plan

I want to lose 5 kg in one week.
I believe I am not alone. Most people want to lose weight fast. To lose 5 kg in 1 week (10-12 pounds) is possible but what you really have to ask yourself is are you dropping kilos, or just debloating?

This is Dutch Egg Diet one week meal plan to lose 5kg in a week from Janneke's Online Cookbook. This is similar to Sugar Blockage Diet I have blog about before. In old-fashioned calories it is approximately 500-700 cal. a day with almost no fat and carbohydrates in it. You eat fewer calories than you burn. That's how this diet work.

Warning from the original source: You're NOT allowed to follow this diet MORE than a week. If you're not satisfied with the results you MUST eat normal for 1 or 2 weeks first and after that repeat the diet.
Janneke's famous 1 Week Meal Plan Dutch Egg Diet
Every day's breakfast:
1 grapefruit
1 or 2 eggs (first day 3)
Monday (Day 1) 
- 3 eggs
- tomatoes
- coffee/tea
- 3 eggs
- mixed salad
- 1 small slice knäckebröd
Tuesday (Day 2) 
- 1- 2 eggs
- grapefruits
- coffee/tea
- steak, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, spinach, cucumber
- coffee/tea
Wednesday (Day 3) 
- 1- 2 eggs
- tomato, spinach
- coffee/tea
DINNER- 2 lamb steak or a steak  
Thursday (Day 4) 
- mixed salad
- grapefruits
- coffee/tea
- eggs, quark, spinach, knäckebröd, coffee/tea  
Friday (Day 5) 
- spinach
- coffee/tea
DINNER- fish(low fat: i.e. sole, tuna, cod, halibut, salmon)
- mixed salad, knäckebröd  
Saturday (Day 6) 
LUNCH- Fruit salad (that's all)
DINNER- steak, celery, tomatoes, cucumber,
- coffee/tea  
Sunday (Day 7)
- cold chicken (grill), tomatoes and grapefruit
- coffee/tea
- vegetable soup (grease removed), chicken, tomatoes, cucumber, cooked cabbage, celery,
- grapefruit,

- coffee/tea
The Egg "Lose 5 kg in 1 Week" Diet RULES:
Do not use oil in the salads but use for example vinegar 
Coffee and tea without sugar and milk (sweeteners allowed) 
 Drink 2 liter fluid each day (including 0-calorie drinks) 
Alcohol is not allowed 
Add nothing to the meals 
Use no butter or oil but grill (in a non-sticking pan) 
If there's no quantity mentioned you can eat as much as you like
Breakfast is always the same 
The eggs can be prepared as you like it (without butter) i.e. scrambled, Omelette 
Do you have a high cholesterol ? Then this diet is not suitable.
The Egg Diet TIPS:
Want to lose 1 kilo (2 lbs) or lose the weight slower? Just follow day 2 and 3 of this diet every week on 2 combined days. 
Eat normal (but not too much) the other 5 days till you reach the weight you want.


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